JLPT / NAT – N5-N4-N3-N2

The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (日本語能力試験, Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken), or JLPT, is a standardized criterion-referenced test to evaluate and certify Japanese language proficiency for non-native speakers, covering language knowledge, reading ability, and listening ability.
The test is held twice a year in Japan and selected countries (on the first Sunday of July and December), and once a year in other regions (on the first Sunday of December).
Japanese Language has five levels of learning. It progresses in the descending order from N5, the beginner level to N1, the advanced level.


The course aims to equip the participant to be able to speak, read and write beginner level Japanese /survival level Japanese fluently.
Content Covered will start from Greetings, Days of the week, Months, Numbers, Directions (Right/Left /Up/down), conversations at home and progress to verbs based conversations. Basic functional verbs For example (Eat , Sleep, Talk, Drink ,Play, Catch and many more verbs) with all their past/present and future conjugations will be covered. It will include video and audio lessons for around 25 lessons with varying scenarios and all the vocabulary used in them.
The duration would be 150 hours of learning. The course will cover 100 Kanjis and 800 words.


This is a sequel to the N5 course. Understanding simple conversations and contributing to a very limited extent to those conversations becomes possible. Reading and Writing skills are also covered.  Duration would be 150 hours of learning. It includes grammar to a limited level, around 350 Kanji and 1500 words.


Considered as the Qualifying level for anyone looking at taking up a Japanese related profession, JLPT N3 is the Intermediate level that provides a reasonable, functional / working fluency of the language. The course as such covers 600 Kanjis and 3000 words. As part of our N3 class we also provide training on skills that make our students “JOB READY“. These include translation and Interpretation training, exposure to Business Japanese, resume writing and Mock Interview sessions.


JLPT N2 is the Upper Intermediate level. The Course requirements is 200 hours of learning. Contents include 1000 Kanjis and approximately 6000 words.

Basic Conversation Course

As the name suggests this is the entry-level course that gives a very basic idea of the language. Content covered would be everyday Japanese / survival level Japanese. The curriculum will cover whatever is covered in JLPT N5, but it would be limited only to the spoken part. Reading and writing will not be covered. This course is ideal for people traveling to Japan or working with Japanese clients or People who just want to have fun in speaking the Language.

Advanced Conversation Course

This is a sequel to the basic course and the content covered would be roughly equivalent of a JLPT N4 module ( sans the reading and writing part ) The learner would be able to use around 1500 words and can converse to a very reasonable extent in everyday life and Official scenarios.

Domain Specific Training

This course is an add-on course done after the learner completes his basic conversation course. Based on the requirements, the learner is introduced to domain / Industry-specific vocabulary that would be useful in their everyday official situations. Examples of Domains would be Manufacturing, Automobile, IT, Insurance, Healthcare, and Finance.

Japanese for kids

Teaching younger learners are very different from teaching adults. We at, ABK AOTS DOSOKAI, OMR understand this completely and are committed to providing fun filled, stress free learning to the children. The only goal of these classes is to provide the children with an enjoyable experience thereby creating a long lasting interest in the language.

Apart from language learning, the course aims at providing timely cultural interventions and facilitates interactions with native Japanese people to have a holistic learning experience

Cross Cultural Communication

Japan is a country with a very unique style of business. Understanding the country, their ways of working, practices and customs play a very big role in acquiring and sustaining long term relationships with your clients. This course takes the candidate through all the basics while providing an insight on areas that require caution when we are dealing with people from a different cultural background.

Business Japanese Courses

Anyone Learning Japanese language would know that Japanese is a very hierarchical language and there are lots of humble and Honorific forms to be learnt while using the language in an official context.

his course mainly looks at teaching the candidate the basics of the Business Japanese that is predominantly used in companies and offices. Content covered will range from Proper Self Introduction, Usage of KEIGO, E-MAIL writing, cultural differences in language, official vocabulary, translation and Interpretation Training and Interview handling techniques.

Hello JAPAN !

If you have a travel planned for japan and you have very less time to equip yourself with the language, then this course is the right fit for your requirement. This course goes through all the basics while providing information on life in Japan,  living expenses, people, demographics, Indian stores , things to do in public places and most importantly things that are legally and culturally prohibited in the country. In short, this equips you to have a smooth landing and acclimatize yourself easily to the country.

Online Classes

Learn from anywhere in the world !

Busy schedules and Heavy traffic are big impediments for many of our learners. Here is where our online classes come into the picture. The ability to learn virtually on a one-one session with a faculty member at the comfort of their own homes at their convenient timing has enabled many business travelers, house wives and senior management people to learn at their own pace and time.  We provide Online classes in different time zones for people from different countries.

For Native Japanese People

Chennai has a number of Japanese Expats. Life is a new place especially with a new ( sometimes unknown ) language can be quite intimidating.

Here, we pitch in to do our bit in making our Japanese Expats feel at home in Chennai. Here are some of our services.

We provide English and Tamil Classes to Native Japanese People. We have separate course modules that are designed to make the expat`s life in Chennai easier by facilitating them to communicate easily with the local people in their local language. Courses are provided on a customized basis depending on the current knowledge level of the learner, duration of stay in India and Reason for learning. We also conduct various events that allow the expats to explore the city, make new friends and experience the culture of the city.